Annual Meeting & Officer Election
/This year's Annual Meeting & Officer Election will be held online via the Zoom video conferencing platform on Friday, July 31, 2020 at 6:00pm CST. All members of the Tennessee Division are welcome and encouraged to attend this virtual meeting, but must register in advance via the following link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting, including the password.
If you are not attending the virtual meeting yourself, you may appoint another TN Division member who is attending the virtual meeting (your "Proxy Voter"), to vote on your behalf on all matters that may be presented for a Division Membership vote during the meeting. Your appointed Proxy Voter must also be a TN Division member, who is in good standing and who also was 18 years of age on or before February 1st of this year. If you would like to appoint a Proxy Voter, please submit the Proxy Voting Form via the link below. In order to be valid, Proxy Voting Forms must be received by the Division Secretary on or before July 28, 2020.
Deadline and Rules for Voter Eligibility
a. Per the USA Fencing bylaws, only members whose applications and dues have been received by the National Office on or before February 1st of each membership year and who have attained their 18th birthday as of that date and who are considered to be members in good standing shall have the right to vote.
b. Please make sure that your competitive, and non-competitive members have provided the National Office with their birth dates on or before February 1st, otherwise they will not be included on your voting list and will not be considered eligible to vote.